Mercedes-Benz Powertrain offers outperforming and individual engineered powertrain components: engine systems, transmissions and axles – each will provide our customers with the highest durability and quality at the same time. Together,
they compose an even more sophisticated, technologically advanced and with regards to efficiency, unbeatable powertrain. Let’s develop together the best individual solution for your success.
Benefits for you
Integrated powertrain:
✓ Reduces integration efforts
✓ One Key Account Manager as main contact partner
✓ One system supplier for your individual powertrain solution
✓ One contractual partner
All powertrain components:
✓ Premium Mercedes-Benz quality standards due to the production on our high volume production lines
✓ Overall robust and reliable powertrain solutions provide a long lifetime for your powertrain components
✓ Leads to an optimized system setup due to common electric and electronic architecture (EE architecture) for efficient interaction of all powertrain components
✓ One electronic tool for end of line commissioning and diagnosis requires less training for your engineering group and after-sales team
✓ High invest in Mercedes-Benz R&D assures state-of-the-art quality
Benefits for your customers.
✓ Provides optimized fuel efficiency by specially composed powertrain solutions
✓ Ensures robust and reliable performance in every scenario of operation
✓ Minimizes downtimes as our worldwide After-Sales network covers warranty and policy from one source
✓ Synchronized maintenance intervals and repair worldwide via our one-stop shop logic for the complete powertrain
✓ Increases the resale value of the vehicles due to the highest quality standards offered by Mercedes-Benz
✓ Higher Driver comfort due to the high integration of all assistent systems and features